Utility Components

UtilityComponents Utility


This document provides an overview of the UtilityComponents utility located at utils/components/UtilityComponents.js. This utility simplifies adding common functionality to your application, such as theme management, toast notifications, top loading indicators, and tooltips.

The UtilityComponents component serves as a wrapper that includes several utilities for your application. It integrates a theme provider, a top loader, toast notifications, and tooltips.


Here are the current utilities:

1. NextTopLoader

  • The NextTopLoader is used to display a loading indicator at the top of the page during navigation. It's already included in the UtilityComponents, so it works out of the box without any additional setup.
<NextTopLoader color="hsl(var(--primary))" showSpinner={false} />
  • color: Sets the color of the loading indicator.
  • Currently, the primary color defined in /app/globals.css is used as the color of the loading indicator.

2. ThemeProvider

  • The ThemeProvider is used to add dark mode support to your app using Shadcn. It works out of the box without any additional setup.

3. Toaster

  • The Toaster is used to display toast notifications.

  • The duration property sets the duration for which the toast is displayed.

  • To use the Toaster for displaying toast notifications, you can import toast from react-hot-toast and use it in your components:

import { toast } from 'react-hot-toast';
const notify = () => {
    toast.success('This is a success message!');
    toast.error('This is an error message!');
const MyComponent = () => (
    <button onClick={notify}>Show Toast</button>
export default MyComponent;

4. Crisp Customer Support

  • Integrates Crisp Chat into your StartupBolt application to provide real-time customer support.
  • For detailed instructions and further information, visit: Crisp Chat Integration Guide

5. Tooltip

  • The Tooltip provides tooltips.

  • To use the Tooltip, you can set the data-tooltip-id attribute on elements you want to have tooltips, and the data-tooltip-content for the content:

import { Tooltip } from 'react-tooltip';
const MyComponent = () => (
        <button data-tooltip-id="tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This is a tooltip!">
            Hover me
        <Tooltip id="tooltip" />
export default MyComponent;


The UtilityComponents utility is already integrated into the root layout of your application, so no additional setup is required. The main usage is to extend it if required.

Extending UtilityComponents

  • To add more functionalities to UtilityComponents, you can extend it by importing and using additional components or libraries as needed.
  • You have to extend the utilities constant by adding more utilities as needed.
  • Here’s an example of adding an extra component:
const utilities = (
                duration: 3000,
        {settings.CRISP.enableCrispChat && <CrispChat />}
            className="z-[60] !opacity-100 max-w-sm shadow-lg"
        <CustomComponent /> {/* Add your custom component here */}

By using the UtilityComponents utility, you can easily integrate essential functionalities into your application.