Generating Terms of Service

Creating a Terms of Service for Your Website


A well-crafted Terms of Service (ToS) is crucial for any website or online service. It establishes the rules and guidelines for using your service, protects your intellectual property, limits your liability, and sets clear expectations for users. Having a comprehensive ToS can help prevent misunderstandings and legal issues, ultimately safeguarding your business and enhancing user trust. It is generally a legal requirement for most websites that sell things to have a Terms of Service.

Generating Your Terms of Service

To create a terms of service for your website, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the "Terms of Service Generation Prompt" provided below after making required changes. You have to at least change Company Name, Website URL and Description as required.
  2. Paste it into an AI language model like ChatGPT (opens in a new tab) or Claude (opens in a new tab).
  3. Review and customize the generated terms of service to ensure it accurately reflects your specific practices.

Terms of Service Generation Prompt

You are an AI assistant with expertise in legal documentation. 
I need your help to create comprehensive and user-friendly Terms of Service for my website, 
formatted for easy integration into a React component. 
Please consider the following details:
1. Company Name: StartupBolt
2. Website URL:
3. Description: StartupBolt helps you create websites and launch your software as a service (SaaS) startups quickly
4. User Rights and Restrictions: Users can access and use the provided tools and resources to create websites and SaaS applications. 
   They cannot redistribute, resell, or sublicense any of StartupBolt's proprietary content or tools.
5. Intellectual Property: All content, code, and tools provided by StartupBolt are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. 
   Users retain ownership of the websites and applications they create using our tools.
6. User Accounts: Users must create an account to access certain features. 
   We reserve the right to terminate accounts that violate our terms or engage in fraudulent activity.
7. Payment Terms: We offer various subscription plans. Payments are processed securely through third-party payment processors. 
   We do not provide refunds.
8. Limitation of Liability: StartupBolt is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of our services. 
   We provide our services "as is" without any warranties.
9. Changes to Terms: We may update these terms at any time. 
   Users will be notified of significant changes via email or through a prominent notice on our website.
10. Contact Information: For any questions regarding these terms, please contact us at
Please generate clear, concise, and easy-to-understand Terms of Service based on these details. 
The terms should be compliant with relevant regulations. 
Structure the terms as a JavaScript array of objects, where each object represents a section of the terms. 
Each object should have a 'title' property for the section heading and a 'content' property containing an array of strings for the paragraphs in that section.
Format your response as follows:
const lastUpdated = '2023-07-15'; // Update this to the current date
const tosContent = [
    title: '1. Introduction',
    content: [
      'Welcome to StartupBolt. By accessing our website at, you agree to these Terms of Service.',
      'Please read these terms carefully before using our services.'
  // Add more sections here...
Ensure the language is detailed and uses appropriate legal terminology to provide clarity and precision. 
The sections should be numbered for easy reference and comprehensiveness.

Implementing the Terms of Service

After generating your Terms of Service:

  1. Copy the generated tosContent array and lastUpdated date.
  2. Open the file /app/tos/page.js in your project.
  3. Replace the existing tosContent array and lastUpdated date with the new ones.
  4. Save the file.

Your Terms of Service are now implemented and ready to be displayed on your website!

Remember to regularly review and update your Terms of Service to ensure they remain accurate and compliant with current regulations.